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This tip is about the how to Use Alipay Without any Chinese Bank. So read this free guide, How to Use Alipay Without any Chinese Bank. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Use Alipay Without any Chinese Bank – Guide
“What if I don’t have a Chinese bank card?” is the most common question in the (very popular) post about how foreigners can use Alipay. So far, this is the simplest solution. It is known as TourPass.
It was released a while ago, and we were waiting to show up in the real world. Many promises have been made over the years to open up Alipay to foreign cards, but only five people we know have succeeded. It appears to be genuine! The target user is a traveler or someone who does not wish to subscribe up to get a bank card in China for any reason, but there’s no reason you can’t use it. It’s a breeze.
How to Knife
Step 1: Get Alipay
It’s Step 1 in the Alipay article I mentioned. you only need one phone number. I understood? Good.
Step 2: Search TourPass
Just click on the search bar. up top and search for “TourPass.”
Step 3: Select a Top-Up amount
Basically, your Alipay creates an electronic card with Bank of Shanghai that you can add-up using a foreign credit or debit card. The most you can topup is 2000rmb at a time.
Step 4: Connect an external card to topoUp
Enter your foreign credit or debit card information. They currently accept VISA, MasterCard, JCB or Diner’s Club cards.
You will also need to enter your passport details and a photo of the information page.
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to Use Alipay Without any Chinese Bank. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.