You need clear audio to complete some crucial work you are currently working on. Your computer speaker will no longer work which is a bummer. Or maybe you’re watching a wonderful movie when your laptop speakers stop working.
What will you do next then? You may not be aware of this, but your Android phone can serve as a speaker for your computer or laptop???????? With the help of third-party apps, you can even use your iPhone as a speaker.
Most computer monitors have a speaker. It is likely that your laptop it also includes a built-in speaker if you’re using one. These built-in audio devices are useful when an external audio system is not available despite the questionable quality of the audio output. We have mentioned the steps below to use android Phone as PC speaker
Steps to use Android Phone as PC speaker
Final Words
Your phone’s speakers can be used for much more than originally intended – they can be used with your laptop, TV and other smartphones thanks to the large number of connectivity possibilities available. We hope that our article on “How to use android Phone as a PC speaker” will certainly help you do that.