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This tip is about the how to Utilise Tags to Manage Group Mentions in Microsoft Teams. So read this free guide, How to Utilise Tags to Manage Group Mentions in Microsoft Teams. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Utilise Tags to Manage Group Mentions in Microsoft Teams – Guide
Microsoft Teams became extremely popular after the COVID outbreak. As company employees around the world began using Office 365 to increase productivity, Microsoft responded well. In the last twelve months, Microsoft Teams has introduced tons of new features and options. Tags are one of these novelties features offered in Microsoft Teams.
Microsoft Teams tags were introduced to make @references more practical and resourceful. Because tags can eventually make @references more useful, they become hashtags in Microsoft Teams. You can create and manage tags to easily notify a certain group of people. First, you need to create tags and configure them to ensure that the people you want are included in that tag. Using tags in Microsoft Teams is easy. A clear idea of how the tag works is given below.
Using Tags, you can quickly connect to a subset of users on your team. Using tags in Microsoft Teams, you can categorize users in your organization by roles, skills, projects, and even location. After creating and assigning the tag to the desired users, it is ready to use. You can use these MS Teams tags as @mentions in channel posts. In addition, you can also use these tags to start conversations with a selected group of users.
Allow everyone to create tag groups
By default, only a team owner can create a tag group, but any team member can add a user to a tag group. If you want your team members to be able to create tag groups, click the three-dot menu icon next to the team name and click “Manage Team” button. Then select “Settings” and change the “Who can add tags” option from “Owners only” to “All members”.
Create tag groups
How to Use a tag group
Final note
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