This article will show you how To Unlock Nahida Story Quest in Genshin Impact. Genshin Impact is a game that has a lot to offer players of all kinds. You can go to Domains if you want to do things that are like caves. Do you want to quickly complete tasks and get rewards? You got your daily income. Do you want to find out more about certain people? There are story tasks and places to hang out. Today, we’ll focus on the first one.
One of the newest and most popular characters in the fanbase is about to get a new task. Some of the information that Genshin Impact gives is easy to miss. Even though the gacha systems and character building are the most interesting parts of the game, you can do a lot of other things. Story Quests are something that many people don’t pay attention to, but they are fun to do.
A lot of people have already reached the end of their Story Quest. One of the characters, Nahida, will now go on her second Story Quest. Nahida is a Dendro character who can be played in Genshin Impact. She is Buer’s vessel in the form of Lesser Lord Kusanali, who is the current Dendro Archon. After being let out of the Sanctuary of Surasthana, she is now trying to make herself more important on Sumeru. Here, we’ll tell you how To Unlock Nahida Story Quest in Genshin Impact if you want to know what happens next in her life.
How to unlock Nahida’s Story Quest in Genshin Impact

- Before the update, Act One of Nahida’s Story Quest was available.
- To unlock any of Nahida’s Story Quests, you need to fulfill certain prerequisites.
- To start Act One, use a Story Key to unlock it, which can be obtained by completing Daily Commissions (a total of eight).
- Reach Adventure Rank 40 to unlock this Story Quest.
- Complete the Archon Quest Chapter Three, Act Five, called ‘Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises’.
- If you haven’t completed the Archon Quest mentioned above, complete it before proceeding.
- Once you’ve completed Act One of Nahida’s Story Quest, unlocking Act Two is simple.
- Act Two requires the same prerequisites as Act One, along with the completion of Act One of her Story Quest.
- The Story Quests are not time-consuming to complete and are relatively easy to unlock.
What is Genshin Impact?
Genshin Impact is an action RPG with “gacha” (we’ll talk more about that later) features that takes place in an open world. The Chinese company miHoYo made it and put it out. In it, players take charge of a group of characters, each of whom has their own skills, guns, gear, and personality. Combat happens in real time, and players can use ranged, close-quarters, and elemental weapons against a wide range of enemies in the open world and dungeons.
Genshin Impact is an online-only adventure game that focuses a lot on story and multiplayer. It has many features that you’d find in popular games as a service, like daily tasks, rewards, loot, and other things to keep you coming back. Many reviewers and players have said that Genshin Impact is like the anime version of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
It’s a fair comparison, since many of the places and settings in both games are the same. The biggest comparison is that you can climb almost any surface in Genshin, and just like in Breath of the Wild, your climbing ability is limited by a stamina meter. Once you reach the top of your goal, you can glide off and move quickly around the map, which is another resemblance. If you can download this game, than you can visit on Google Play Store.