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This guide is about Benefits and negative effect of using worksheets in the classroom. So read this free guide, Benefits and negative effect of using worksheets in the classroom. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
Benefits and negative effect of using worksheets in the classroom – Guide
By definition, a worksheet is anything printed on copy paper and given to students to write on. Greg Tang said, “The word ‘spreadsheets’ shouldn’t be a bad word.” And I would agree with that. However, the type of sheet matters. For this blog I want to take a look at worksheets that are disguised as an exercise but are actually being used as “hard work”, “irrational/passive worksheets”, “morning worksheets”, “close up sheets” or “perforation and elimination sheets”. . Spreadsheets often involve low-level skills. Believe it or not, they often have little to no educational value.
A pedagogical habit developed where we felt the need to constantly give students worksheets to prove that they had mastered something. Some educators think spreadsheets are the worst, while other teachers believe they could not survive in their profession without them. These can be simple step-by-step tasks. For example, language arts worksheets develop literacy skills at all grade levels. A good worksheet is one that challenges students, and the best worksheets are ones that move students from an inferior to a superior mindset.
Benefits of using worksheets in the classroom
Motivate students to work without the help of a teacher
Often students look for an easy step-by-step task. With the help of an effective worksheet, students are able to learn how to Solve problems with confidence independently. Personally, one of my greatest strengths as a student is being able to recognize and adapt to a teacher’s teaching style, which typically occurs through the material he or she distributes during class.
It can help the teacher to assess student performance
Due to peer pressure, students are not always eager to express their confusion, resulting in standalone worksheets being teachers’ best gauge of how well a student is understanding what is being taught in the classroom.
Good way to recap what is taught in the classroom
To ensure that you are using the most efficient worksheet possible, the worksheet should accommodate what was taught in the classroom. Handing out effective worksheets as homework is an awesome way for students to recap what they’ve learned when they’re home, as well as a good way for teachers to reiterate the concept they’re trying to teach.
Encourage students to remember what they learned in class
Once a worksheet is created and distributed, it sends a message to the student that the contents of the worksheet are the highlight of what was being taught, or the most important information of the day. Personally, I’ve always kept handouts and worksheets given to me during class to study later.
The negative effect of using spreadsheets in the classroom
lack of practical learning
Worksheets tend to be a task that a student can complete independently with just one writing instrument. Considering that students learn best through peer learning, worksheets can have a negative effect on students’ interest in learning.
It can make the teacher very comfortable
Occasionally you may find a teacher who distributes multiple worksheets in a day, sometimes multiple worksheets during a class. Worksheets alone will not teach students to the same level as an active teacher could. Worksheets are intended to assist the teacher, not to replace the teacher.
Discourages abstract thinking
When filling out a worksheet, a student may believe that there is only one correct answer, or perhaps the worksheet is set up to be completed directly. A redundant worksheet will not support students’ creativity and can diminish any level of deep thinking.
Pre-made/pre-printed worksheets do not accommodate a realistic schedule
During the course of learning, students may stumble across certain concepts or need extra help in some areas. Printing pre-made worksheets for an extended schedule will not provide students with the kind of assistance they may need. You don’t know what kind of worksheets will best meet your students’ needs until they voice their concerns in real time.
Final note
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