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This guide is about Fix ‘SteamVR Error Code 436’ Issue. So read this free guide, Fix ‘SteamVR Error Code 436’ Issue step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
Fix ‘SteamVR Error Code 436’ Issue – Guide
Before we fix SteamVR error code 436, we need to know why this is happening. Most of the time, the problem is due to improper connection. Make sure the connection is correct and tight. You should also be aware that this error can also appear due to a crash, in which case the fix is easy. A reboot is required and your VR and computer will work properly. SteamVR error 436 indicates connection issues that can occur with HTC, Oculus and other VR headsets connected to Windows 10 system.
Typically, the error is triggered by a loose connection or corrupted GPU drivers. In some cases, the error may appear due to a corrupted VRSteam configuration. Also, look for blocked third-party VRSteam add-ons and unblock the add-ons to fix the issue. This issue is very common among HTC Vive PRO users because the device’s default connection cable has a resistance value before it is properly connected to the device. So, before trying any of the other fixes below, make sure all cables are fully connected and the VR headset is recognized by your PC.
If you face this issue on a PC with both an integrated and a dedicated GPU, then the problem could be caused by the integrated component. This is because SteamVR is not very good at choosing the best GPU option. To fix this issue, you need to disable the built-in component to prevent SteamVR from using the built-in GPU.
Fix ‘SteamVR Error Code 436’ Issue
Making sure the Tether cable is properly connected (if applicable)
Before trying any of the other possible fixes below, you should start by making sure the tether cord you are using to connect your VR device is tight. This issue is much more common than it should be on the HTC Vive due to the VR kit connecting cable having a resistance level before it is properly inserted.
So before moving on to any of the other methods featured below, you should take the time to ensure that all the cables involved are run all the way through. Once you are sure that all cables are successfully connected, open SteamVR one more time and see if the issue is fixed.
Unlock add-ons (if applicable)
It turns out that one reason you might expect to see error code 436 with SteamVR is an instance where some add-ons your SteamVR installation previously depended on are blocked after an unexpected crash. If this scenario is applicable, you can fix this issue by unlocking all add-ons to handle error code 436.
We were able to find many affected users who confirmed that unlocking all the forcibly stopped SteamVR add-ons finally allowed them to use their VR headsets with SteamVR without encountering the same error code. Here’s a quick step by step guide which will allow you to unlock the problematic add-ons:
Installing the latest graphics card driver
It turns out that this error code with SteamVR can also be caused by an improperly installed graphics card – in most cases it is reported to be due to a ‘bad’ Nvidia driver that has ended up breaking the VR functionality of the GPU. If this scenario is applicable, you can fix the problem by forcing your PC to reinstall the latest compatible graphics driver or by using the proprietary updater application (Nvidia Experience or Adrenalin) to install the latest drivers automatically.
If you haven’t already tried this, follow the instructions below to verify that your GPU is using the latest driver version available:
Reinstalling SteamVR
According to some affected users, this issue can also be due to some kind of file corruption that affects SteamVR installation files. We were able to find several reports from users who were able to fix the issue simply by reinstalling SteamVR and all associated dependencies. If you want to try this method, follow the instructions below to reinstall SteamVR and fix error code 436:
Removing Vive PRO from All SteamVR Devices list (if applicable)
If you’re experiencing this issue with your Vive PRO, there’s a good chance you’re dealing with a glitch specific to this HTC VR toolkit. According to some affected users, this headset has the potential to crash with SteamVR – There are many reports from similar users all encountering the issue with their Vive PRO.
Fortunately, the fix for this particular scenario is quite simple – you will need to disconnect the USB and display port of your HTC Vive Pro device before removing all SteamVR devices from the SteamVR Developer tab – Once you have done that, restart your PC and re – establishing the connection, many affected users confirmed that they were able to successfully resolve the issue. If this scenario applies and you encounter error 436 SteamVR with a Vive PRO device, follow the instructions below:
Disabling the integrated GPU
If you encounter error code 436 with SteamVR on a dual GPU PC configuration where one GPU is integrated and the other dedicated, this issue is most likely caused by the integrated component.
It turns out that this issue can be due to the fact that SteamVR is not so good at choosing the right graphics card when having to choose between multiple options. If this scenario applies and you suspect that you are seeing this error because SteamVR has decided to use the integrated GPU component, you can fix the problem by disabling the integrated component.
If you have an integrated GPU that could be interfering with VR rendering, follow the instructions below to disable it and force SteamVR to use the dedicated component:
Final note
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