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This guide is about Fix VirtualBox’s “Kernel Driver Not Installed Error on Macbook. So read this free guide, Fix VirtualBox’s “Kernel Driver Not Installed Error on Macbook step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
Fix VirtualBox’s “Kernel Driver Not Installed Error on Macbook – Guide
Oracle VM VirtualBox is a well-known and free virtual machine hypervisor that can be used with other paid software like VMware or Parallel on macOS. It is extremely likely that you will encounter the error warning “Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)” when installing VirtualBox on your macOS and trying to use it by installing a virtual machine. The error message does not depend on the operating system you are trying to install on the virtual machine; instead, the problem arises when you initially install Oracle products on your Mac such as VirtualBox.
The problem appears to be quite similar to the VirtualBox installation failed error that appears when you try to install VirtualBox on your system. The problem notice appears because your operating system, in this case macOS, has banned the Oracle certificate. Also, during the installation process, macOS disables kernel extensions for VirtualBox, which is why you are seeing the error message in question. To fix this you will need to add the Oracle certificate to the whitelist and allow. This must be done directly, granting the relevant rights to VirtualBox.
This can be done in several ways. To get started, go to the System & Privacy settings in the System Preferences menu and accept the certificate. Also, you can use your system’s terminal to run some commands that will load the kernel extensions and allow them to operate on the system. That said, without further ado, let’s demonstrate how to do this in more detail, then read on.
How to fix it
Allow Oracle certificate through system preferences
Allow VirtualBox kernel extensions through terminal
Disable Secure Boot on your Mac
Final note
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