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This tip is about the how to Access American Netflix in Spain. So read this free guide, How to Access American Netflix in Spain step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Access American Netflix in Spain – Guide
It’s been four years since Netflix was launched in Spain. During that time, with an estimated 2.2 million subscribers on the final last year, they became the second largest pay-TV provider in the country. This represents steady growth, but in a country with more than 46 million people, there is still plenty of room for growth. One of the things holding Netflix down is the modest amount of content available to its Spanish customers. Spanish Netflix currently has just over 1,000 TV shows and just over 2,300 movies in its content library. But that pales in comparison to the United States. American Netflix has a whopping 1,800 TV shows and well over 4,000 movies.
Although Spain’s Netflix has only half the content of its American counterpart, Spain’s Netflix still charges much the same monthly subscription fees for its service. So it’s no wonder that not only American emigrants but also more and more Spaniards want to access American Netflix from Spain. In fact, it’s very easy to do when you sign up for a VPN. In this article, we’ll explain exactly what to do and recommend the best VPN for the job.
How to Watch American Netflix in Spain
If you want to skip the details and just start streaming, check out our Quick Start Guide first. It contains everything you need to know to start watching American Netflix in Spain in just a few minutes:
The most common reason is legal obligations. As Netflix doesn’t own most of the titles on their list, they need to contact the owners and buy the streaming rights. They can be movie studios, television stations or independent producers. Because copyright and licensing laws vary from country to country, and most of these production companies are headquartered in the United States, they may impose geographic restrictions so that your content cannot be viewed outside of the United States. If Netflix now buys the rights, they will have no choice but to implement the restrictions.
Final note
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