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Apple’s Notes app is a great tool for quickly jotting down information, keeping lists, writing down your thoughts, and more. You can keep a lot of important things there, which is why you might want to have a backup copy of your notes. If you use iCloud Notes, your notes should be saved to iCloud automatically.
The Notes app is popular for storing data, jotting down information, keeping lists, saving text and photos, and more. It is quite reasonable to make a local backup of notes from the Notes app, but you may not know how to do that. However, if you use the Notes app locally on your Mac, you’ll need to back them up manually. There are several ways to do this, which we describe below. You can also do this to create a second copy outside of iCloud.
Ways to Back Up Notes on iPhone
Final Words
We hope like our article on how to Back Up Notes on iPhone. Our iPhones contain a treasure trove of information that we jot down every day. Sometimes you need to remove those notes from your iPhone and save them to Mac for convenience. Lack of space and the messy app also force you to sync notes from iPhone to Mac.