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This tip is about the how to Boost the Speed of Safari Browser. So read this free guide, How to Boost the Speed of Safari Browser step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Boost the Speed of Safari Browser – Guide
Safari generally offers the fastest and most efficient browsing experience for Mac users. Apple goes to great lengths to optimize browser performance and power consumption specifically for Apple hardware. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always last. Safari, like any other browser, can be slow, bloated and unresponsive. If Safari is your browser of choice, be aware that it is generally fast and reliable.
If your Safari browser is slow or misbehaving in some way and you have already determined that your internet service is up and running, there are a few things you can do to bring Safari back to its previously fast performance.
Delete Safari preferences file
You can safely delete the Safari preferences file because a new one will be created the next time you open the app. Deleting preferences can help speed things up. up because in rare cases it may have been corrupted. Please note that, unfortunately, deleting this file will lose Safari preferences such as autocomplete and homepage settings. To delete the Safari preferences file:
Clear Safari History
Safari maintains a complete list of every website you visit (unless you’re in private browsing mode) and if you use Safari a lot, the story can obviously grow a lot. A bloated history means Safari needs to manage and store a lot more, so it can have a negative effect on your overall speed. You can also set history to be kept for shorter time periods on the General tab in Preferences.
To delete your entire history, just select Clear history from Safari’s History menu followed by Clear button when solicited. Alternatively, make sure the Clear history checkbox is selected when doing a full reset.
Check and disable Safari extensions
While extensions and plug-ins are useful for performing many tasks, such as blocking ads, occasionally they can cause Safari to become slow and unresponsive, or even crash. It is advisable to make sure that all extensions are up so far, and if you’re having a problem, disable the ones you don’t use or turn them on one by one and see if it makes a difference.
Extensions like AdBlock are extremely useful, but some affect Safari’s performance. Check them out separately to see what the culprit might be. You can even install a plug-in blocker, such as ClickToPlugin, which prevents Safari from starting any plug-ins automatically. Browser plugins like Flash, QuickTime, Silverlight and Java are shown as placeholders that can be individually selected to start with the correct plugin. To control which extensions are enabled in Safari, follow the steps below.
Update plug-ins and Java
Many in-page plugins, such as Flash and Java, can slow Safari down considerably. It’s always good to make sure they are completely up so far, which does not necessarily happen automatically and not always through a software update. For each plugin (such as Flash), right-click the plugin that appears on a web page and check if any specific update settings are displayed. Alternatively, go to the relevant website for each plugin and follow the instructions to update it.
Exit and restart Safari
Sometimes a speed issue in Safari can be resolved by simply shutting down and restarting. The reason is that, over time, Safari tends to use up system memory and, unfortunately, memory leaks can cause the amount used to gradually increase – leading to up valuable system resources needed by Mac OS and other applications. You can avoid these issues by restarting Safari occasionally.
Completely reset Safari
A full reset of Safari is able to fully restore Safari to its original settings. That way, any issues you might be experiencing should be fixed, but it’s important to note that a reset causes you to lose your history, top sites, preferences, and saved form data. You can reset everything at once or selectively choose which items to reset. It might be a good idea to reset the list items one at a time.
To reset Safari, choose Reset Safari from Safari’s main menu, followed by the items you want to reset as shown below and click Reset.
empty cache
Safari’s cache saves website files and images so they can be accessed faster the next time you visit a website, without having to download everything again. It is designed to speed things up up but the problem is that it can grow too quickly and actually slow down Safari. If you have a very fast Internet connection, the cache usefulness also decreases. Generally, it’s good practice to flush your cache occasionally – if you’re a very common user, once a week should suffice. Emptying Safari’s cache is simple.
Block Flash Content
Flash content such as video and animations can provide a great user experience and interactivity; however, Flash has been criticized for using too many features on the Mac. Recent updates seem to be a little more efficient, but if you can live without them, block all Flash content (and use HTML5 instead) through the use of plug-in -ins like ClickToFlash. Many suitable extensions can be found on the Safari extensions website.
Disable or optimize autocompletion
Autocomplete conveniently stores your names, passwords and other details, such as login information for hundreds of websites you can visit. It shouldn’t make much of a difference how quickly Safari runs in most situations, but on startup and when filling out forms, there will be a slight drop in performance when using it. If you don’t need the convenience, Autofill can be turned off. Alternatively, just remove the details from sites you rarely or never visit.
Final note
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