“How to Buy More iPhone Storage” is a popular Google search query as iOS users struggle to figure out how to upgrade their iCloud. Perhaps they’ve been receiving annoying notifications that their iCloud storage is full, or they’ve realized that their current iCloud capacity simply won’t suffice. Whatever camp you’re in, a larger storage plan will be required to meet your needs.
Let us begin with this one. The answer is that you cannot purchase additional internal storage for your iPhone. External accessories, on the other hand, can provide additional storage. The fixed storage capacity that came with your phone when you bought it cannot be changed, nor can additional physical storage be added.
If you only have 16 GB of storage capacity, your internal storage will remain at that size and will likely fill up quickly. Some smartphones, but not iPhones, have expandable storage. We have mentioned steps below to Buy More iPhone Storage
Steps to Buy More iPhone Storage
Final Words
We hope like our article on How to Buy More iPhone Storage. When you purchase an iPhone, you automatically receive 5GB of free iCloud storage. However, if that is insufficient for all of your photos, documents, messages, and other data, you may need to consider purchasing additional iCloud storage space. Apple has several plans available, and you can upgrade from your iPhone’s Settings app.