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This tip is about the how to check Apple purchase history on iOS and Mac. So read this free guide, How to check Apple purchase history on iOS and Mac step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to check Apple purchase history on iOS and Mac – Guide
If you’re looking for the dates for an item you purchased from Apple during tax season or when billing a customer, you can access the dates using the iTunes software on your computer. Previous purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, iBooks Store and Mac App Store are individually listed by date and order number, and content title, price, tax and payment information can be viewed and printed.
You can also use this information to report an issue with a previous order if the transaction in question is less than 90 days old. After purchasing content from the App Store or iTunes Store, or making other digital purchases with your Apple ID, you can redownload your purchases to any compatible device. If you want to see a complete list of your purchases in chronological order, you can view your purchase history. In your purchase history.
Viewing Your Apple Purchase History
Whether you shop on iTunes, the App Store, or on an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, you can check all your purchases and change your payment options in iTunes.
Final note
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