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This tip is about the how to Clone Apps on Android. So read this free guide, How to Clone Apps on Android step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Clone Apps on Android – Guide
You have multiple accounts for one app, but your Android phone only allows you to use one? Don’t worry, on some Android phones there is one feature which lets you run multiple copies of an application. That way you can create a second copy of your favorite app, add your second account and use that app as if it were the original app you have on your phone. You don’t even need a third-party app to create clones of your installed apps. See How to duplicate your Android apps. To be clear: the feature to create multiple copies of an app is only available on certain Android devices. you must find this feature on Samsung, Xiaomi and OnePlus phones. if your phone don’t have this feature, you can still run multiple instances of your android apps using a third party app.
Although each manufacturer has its own name for this feature – at Samsung, for example, it’s called Dual Messenger – it works the same regardless of the phone. Duplicating or cloning apps means installing the same app with a new dataset. The cloned app can be signed in with a new and completely different account/data. Imagine that you are a digital marketer. You know that it is impossible to login more than 5 Instagram accounts in the same app. This limitation can be circumvented by cloning or duplicating the Instagram app so that you can log in up to 10 Instagram accounts in two Instagram apps and manage them simultaneously. This clone/duplicate feature eliminates the need to buy a new one phone. I mean you don’t have to buy a new one. phone just to log into another Instagram account.
How to Clone apps on Android
Final note
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