Table of Contents
This tip is about the how to Code a Measuring App With ARKit. So read this free guide, How to Code a Measuring App With ARKit step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Code a Measuring App With ARKit – Guide
Along with countless different things that in a short time have been superseded by our modern technology, perhaps the regular tape measure could be close to going. In this two-section series of instructional exercises, we are discovering how to use augmented reality and camera on your iOS device to make an app that will tell you the distance between two places.
In the first post, we designed the application and coded its main interface elements. Here, we are going to polish by measuring between two places in the AR scene. If you haven’t already, follow along with the main post to define your ARKit project. up.
How to Code a measurement app with ARKit
Identify prerequisites
Create project in Xcode
Configure basic things
Before setting up remember.
Add ‘ARSCNView’ to view and create IBOutlet
Resolve the error by importing ARKit
Configuration Scene and ARSCNViewDelegate
Camera usage description string
Configure ARS session
Run the project on your device
Find ARPlanAnchor
Create a new “Plane” class by extending “SCNNode”
init(anchor: ARPlanAnchor) {}
Let’s add a flat object, when a new ‘anchor’ is detected and the anchor node is added
Let’s see how we can improve plane detection
Because when ARKit gives us a new anchor, we are creating a new flat object. But what if ARKit detects the plane previously available but with richer feature points. This means that we must update the dimensions of the previous plane (width, length). Where will we get update callbacks on the anchor node? Here, under “ViewController”. What should we do? How can we get the flat object added earlier?
Configure focus view
Why do we need this? It is for reference only. We’ll place a hover image in the center of the view in the storyboard. Set constraints for the center.
Place object using hitTest
Now we are ready to place the object in the focus square position using hitTest. Let’s add methods on ‘ViewController’.
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to Code a Measuring App With ARKit. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.