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This tip is about the how To Connect Your Apple AirPods To Your PC. So read this free guide, How To Connect Your Apple AirPods To Your PC step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How To Connect Your Apple AirPods To Your PC – Guide
Therefore, you are having trouble connecting your AirPods to your PC. Things happen! All right; the problem is simple to solve. We have a brief summary for you, but Apple also has a page that can guide you on the right path for each type of computer.
First, depending on the type of computer you are using, this procedure may look different. Let’s start with a Mac. To get started, make sure your Mac’s operating system is up to date. To do this, go to “About This Mac” by clicking on the Apple emblem in the upper left corner of the desktop screen. A screen will appear, and you can select “Software Update” from it.
Standard 2nd Gen AirPods require macOS Mojave 10.14.4 or later, while AirPods Pro require Catalina 10.15.1 or later, according to Apple. Follow these easy steps to connect your AirPods after making sure your Mac is up to update with the latest software.
1. Open System Preferences
If you can’t find it, it’s the icon on your desktop that looks like a gear. You can also search System Preferences using Spotlight (the magnifying glass in the upper-right corner of the desktop).
2. Select Bluetooth
I happen to use a Mac, so that’s what I’m talking about. This is the icon you’ve been looking for.
3. Place the two AirPods in the box and open the lid
Simple enough.
4. Hold the button in the AirPod case
You should see the light start to flash white. Once that happens, you can abandon the button.
5. Wait for your AirPods to appear up on your devices and click Connect
I’m ready. Should be it. Note: If you don’t see your AirPods, make sure Bluetooth is turned on and restart the process.
Now what if you don’t use a Mac? Well, the process must be exactly the same. Quite. The only thing that will really change is how you navigate to the Bluetooth page. Here are some different ways you can get there:
Not all PCs come equipped with Bluetooth, especially desktops. However, if you have a laptop, your PC is likely to have Bluetooth capabilities.
Final note
I hope you like the guide How To Connect Your Apple AirPods To Your PC. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.