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This tip is about the how to create sub-tasks and sub-lists in Reminders on Apple devices. So read this free guide, How to create sub-tasks and sub-lists in Reminders on Apple devices step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to create sub-tasks and sub-lists in Reminders on Apple devices – Guide
Apple is a prominent hardware and software company best known for its personal computer series, the iPod, and its innovative marketing strategies for its products. Introduced in 1984, the Macintosh was the first widely sold personal computer with a graphical user interface (GUI). The Reminders app for iPhone, iPad and Mac has received a major update with iOS 13, iPadOS 13 and macOS Catalina. One of the new practitioners features is the option to create nested tasks (and lists too). Apple’s Reminders app has only gotten more powerful over the years, and this fall, it took another big step forward.
With the latest software, Apple has integrated these features in your Reminders app for iPhone, iPad and Mac. However, there are some nuances and quirks in Apple’s implementation of subtasks and sublists. We’ll start with how it works on iPhone and iPad and end with how it looks on Mac and case. how to create new subtasks on iPhone and iPad, how to create new or existing reminder subtasks on Mac how to create sublists in Reminders on iPhone and iPad.
How to create subtasks and sublists in Reminders on Apple devices
Create New Subtasks on iPhone and iPad
Subtask new or existing reminders on Mac
Make Sublists in Reminders on iPhone and iPad
Remember that you can easily create a new list by tapping “Add List” button.
Final note
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