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This tip is about the how to Crop Picture in PowerPoint. So read this free guide, How to Crop Picture in PowerPoint step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Crop Picture in PowerPoint – Guide
It’s not easy to think of Microsoft PowerPoint as an image editor, but as presentation software, it also needs to be a design tool to help you create those presentations. So you need to learn how to manipulate images and create interesting effects with your images in PowerPoint. In PowerPoint, you can crop an image in several ways. You can make a simple cut, cut into an oval or triangular shape, cut to proportion, or cut to a specific size. After cropping, you can change the cropped area, adjust the image position and/or resize the image.
Photographers crop unwanted objects from images, and you can do the same with PowerPoint’s crop tool. For example, if there is an unwanted bus in the background of a photo of your company, you can simply crop it out instead of taking a new photo. Cropping is also useful if you want to zoom in on a person’s face in a PowerPoint image. Perform this task with the mouse or enter crop values in the text boxes if you want to crop images accurately.
How to Crop an image in PowerPoint
To crop an image
To crop an image into a shape
To add a border to an image
Final note
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