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This tip is about the how to Disable COVID-19 Exposure Tracking and Notifications on Android. So read this free guide, How to Disable COVID-19 Exposure Tracking and Notifications on Android step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Disable COVID-19 Exposure Tracking and Notifications on Android – Guide
Another wave of coronavirus is just around the corner, and its phone could be helping. More than 182 million Americans have the option of receiving notifications from local health departments if they have been personally close to someone who later tested positive for coronavirus. However, these notifications only work if you and the people around you turn them on. Do. There are early signs that this anonymous smartphone technology is working — but so far it’s not helping many Americans. In August 2020, I wrote about the first of these government-sponsored alerts, Virginia’s Covidwise app. In the three months that followed, only 488 people used the state’s app to notify others of a positive diagnosis.
Health departments around the world are developing applications that use the exposure reporting system to support their contact tracing efforts. On Android, you can find the app for your area, if available, on Google Play. Android users will also receive a notification from the Play Store when their state makes exposure reports available. Traditional contact tracing methods are critical to containing the spread of infection. Technology can support and complement these efforts, allowing public health officials to quickly notify individuals who may have come into contact with a person infected with COVID-19, including those who may not know the person directly.
This starts with exposure notifications on your smartphone. This will help your doctor notify you if you’ve come in contact with COVID-19. For Android devices, find the app for your area, if available, on Google Play. If you have an iPhone, subscribe up for exposure notifications in your device settings. Exposure notifications can help you protect your community – even if you’ve been vaccinated.
How to Disable Covid-19 Exposure Tracking and Notifications on Android
Final note
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