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This tip is about the how to Disable/Enable Run Dialog Box in Windows11/10. So read this free guide, How to Disable/Enable Run Dialog Box in Windows11/10 step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Disable/Enable Run Dialog Box in Windows11/10 – Guide
The Run dialog is one of the oldest in Windows features. The current implementation is available in Windows 95, with some improvements in Windows 10. The operating system allows blocking user access. This can be useful if you are a system administrator and need to apply additional restrictions to the user’s environment. In versions of Windows prior to Windows 8, the Run dialog can be accessed from the Start menu. While Vista and Windows 7 hid it from the Start menu by default, it took just two clicks to add it back.
Starting with Windows 8, Microsoft eliminated the classic Windows shell Start menu, leaving no room for the Run command. Also in Windows 10, the Start Menu is a modern app and separate from the Explorer process. However, if for some reason you want to restrict the Run command box from opening on your computer, this post will help you. After the restriction is applied on your PC and you try to open the Run dialog box using any method, you will see a message: “This operation has been canceled due to restrictions on this computer. Please contact your system administrator.”
How to Disable/Enable Run Dialog in Windows11/10
Disable/enable Run dialog on Windows11/10 using Local Group Policy Editor
The Local Group Policy Editor is an administrative tool that allows Windows users to modify their operating system. There is a specific policy setting to disable the Run command in the Start Menu and in some other locations on the system. The settings in the Group Policy Editor also provide information about this setting that may be helpful before configuring it on your system. Follow the steps below to disable the Run command:
Disable/enable Run dialog in Windows11/10 using Registry Editor
Another alternative method to disable the Run command is using Registry Editor. This does the same job as setting the Local Group Policy Editor in the above method. This is also the only option for Windows Home Commercial. If you used the Local Group Policy Editor method, it will automatically update the Windows Registry. However, if you are directly using this method, you will need to create the value for that specific setting by following the steps below:
Final note
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