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This tip is about the how to disable User Account Control (UAC) on Windows 10 PC. So read this free guide, How to disable User Account Control (UAC) on Windows 10 PC step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to disable User Account Control (UAC) on Windows 10 PC – Guide
User Account Control, or simply UAC, is part of the Windows security system that prevents applications from making unwanted changes to your PC. If any software tries to change system related parts of the registry or file system, Windows 10 will show a UAC confirmation dialog asking the user to confirm that they really want to make these changes. Thus, UAC provides a special security environment for your user account with limited access rights and can elevate a specific process to full access rights if necessary.
However, many users don’t like to see these UAC prompts and prefer to use Windows 10 with the classic security model, i.e. creating restricted and admin accounts as in Windows XP and earlier. UAC, short for User Account Control, is part of the Microsoft Windows security system. It can help mitigate the effects of malware by blocking apps from making unwanted changes to the PC.
Windows 10 crashes up a UAC confirmation dialog to ask you to confirm the change or not when any software tries to modify system related parts of the Windows registry or file system. Simply put, UAC can provide a special security environment that well protects your user account with limited access rights.
How to disable User Account Control (UAC) on Windows 10 PC
There are two main methods. This one first uses the Control Panel and is what we recommend because it is the “normal” technique and leaves little room for error. But if you like working on the registry (or need to for whatever reason), these steps are further down the page.
Control panel
There is an easy to use slider style option in the Control Panel to disable User Account Control.
edit the record
Another way to completely disable UAC is through a Windows registry tweak. It’s a little more complicated than the Control Panel method, but it’s still possible.
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to disable User Account Control (UAC) on Windows 10 PC. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.