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This tip is about the how to download Twitter videos directly. So read this free guide, How to download Twitter videos directly step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to download Twitter videos directly – Guide
The platform makes it notoriously difficult to download a video posted in a tweet. So if you want to share a video, you usually need to share the entire tweet. Of course, you can always take a screenshot, save it, edit it into a clip and save it that way. But that’s a few steps, and the quality isn’t always the best. But there is another option. The next time you want to post a Stephen A. Smith reaction video on Twitter and share it with someone on another app, or even save it for yourself on your phone’s meme folder, it’s easy – if you know the right steps.
Twitter users can download online videos to their Android or iPhone devices by downloading an app called Download Twitter Videos. Users can access these videos later, but they must credit the creator of the video when sharing it. Twitter is one of the leading social media platforms that focuses on sharing thoughts and opinions through text. Text, that’s what tweets are about.
How to download videos from twitter directly
Download Twitter Videos on PC or Desktop
You can easily download Twitter videos to your desktop. There are two websites that make the entire process of downloading a video from Twitter quite simple. These are SaveTweetVid or Twitter Video Downloader. You can just go to these sites and download your favorite Twitter videos. All you need to do is follow these steps:
Download Twitter Videos on Android Mobile
You can also download a video from Twitter in an Android app. All you need to do is first download the Download Twitter Videos app on your smartphone to download Twitter videos. You can easily use this app to download videos from Twitter and Instagram. Here’s what you need to do next:
Download Twitter Videos on iOS Mobile
The process of downloading a video on Twitter is a bit complex compared to Android or desktop. To download video on your iPhone, you need to first download Documents by Readle or My Media app on your iPhone. Once done, you can follow these steps:
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to download Twitter videos directly. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.