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This tip is about the how to Edit the Weather in ‘Pokémon Sword and Shield’. So read this free guide, How to Edit the Weather in ‘Pokémon Sword and Shield’ step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Edit the Weather in ‘Pokémon Sword and Shield’ – Guide
Weather in Pokemon Sword and Shield can increase the damage of certain Pokemon moves and also determine which Pokemon will appear in different areas of the Wild Area. This can make it a challenge to quickly collect all the Pokémon and finish your Pokedex. If you don’t want to wait for the weather to change every day, there’s an easy solution, although you’ll need to go into your system settings to do that. Weather can do two things in Pokémon Sword and Shield. This will directly affect what spawns in the area. That means you’ll mostly find Ice-type Pokémon in the snow and Fire-type Pokémon in warm, sunny weather.
It also has effects in combat that can deal damage or increase the power of certain types of movement. For example, sunny weather increases the power of Fire-type attacks and decreases the power of Water-type attacks, while rainy weather does the opposite. The weather in the wilderness changes every day at exactly midnight on your Nintendo Switch clock, so you can easily change the day in your Switch settings until you get the weather you want. Some of the Pokemon you can get with the fog effect present in wild areas are Milcremy, Ralts, Gardevoir, Mimikyu, Solosis, Mimikyu, and others.
How to Edit the weather in ‘Pokémon Sword and Shield’
There’s nothing you can do in the game to change the mood. There are, however, specific dates that trigger specific types of weather. To get a specific type of weather, you will need to change the time and date on your Nintendo Switch.
Final note
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