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This tip is about the how to Edit Windows Registry from Command Prompt. So read this free guide, How to Edit Windows Registry from Command Prompt step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Edit Windows Registry from Command Prompt – Guide
There are times when simply adding it to the registry can fix a persistent problem so you don’t have to reinstall an application, or changing an existing registry key can prevent an emerging threat until Microsoft releases an official patch to close the vulnerability. There are several utilities and techniques for making changes to the registry.
Regedit is one of the older tools, but Microsoft offers several other options, including command-line tools called reg and regini, PowerShell cmdlets, and the Group Policy administration tool. Reg.exe is integrated into the operating system and contains the same functions as the registry editor (GUI). You can even edit entries faster because you don’t have to manually search the cluttered tree database. And you get the flexibility to implement customizations to the registry using scripts.
The Windows registry is a database that contains information about various PC settings and application settings for systems running the Microsoft Windows operating system. While not all applications need to be run using configuration data stored in Windows registries (some store configuration data in XML files or a separate executable file), registries are essential for the smooth running of your Windows PC. Windows allows users to modify these registries when they want to change configuration settings for an application or program running on the computer.
How to open the windows registry
To open the Windows registry, follow the steps below for your version of Windows.
Windows 11
Windows 10
Windows 8
Windows 7 and earlier
Final note
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