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This tip is about the how to Enable a Private Session on Spotify Mobile and Desktop. So read this free guide, How to Enable a Private Session on Spotify Mobile and Desktop step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Enable a Private Session on Spotify Mobile and Desktop – Guide
On Spotify, you can follow artists and people. Likewise, others can follow you. By default, what you listen to on Spotify can be seen by your friends and followers. In the Spotify desktop app, there is a section called Friends Activity. What you listen to on Spotify is visible to people who follow you on this music streaming app. he will show up in this Buddy Activity section. If you don’t want other people to know what you’re listening to, you can enable the “Private Session” option on Spotify.
So any embarrassing or touching song or political track you listen to on Spotify will not be visible to anyone. In others words, Spotify Private Session is similar to incognito mode in Chrome or private browsing in Safari. Spotify constantly analyzes what you’re listening to – songs, playlists, artists, genres and more.
Based on that, it recommends new songs that you might like. When you are in a private session, Spotify does not record your listening activity. Everything you hear in that session remains private. Also, Spotify doesn’t use private session data in its algorithms to recommend new music to you.
How to Activate a Private Session on Spotify Mobile and work area
Enable and Disable a Private Spotify Session on Computer
Activate and deactivate a private Spotify session on your mobile phone
Final note
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