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This tip is about the how to Enable/Disable and Use Colour Filters in Windows 11 PC. So read this free guide, How to Enable/Disable and Use Colour Filters in Windows 11 PC step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Enable/Disable and Use Colour Filters in Windows 11 PC – Guide
For users with low vision (color blindness), Windows 11 has several sets of built-in color filters. The color filter function is not new to Windows. It was available in Windows 10 as part of the Ease of Access system. You can select one of the classic Grayscale, Invert, Inverted Grayscale, Deuteranopia, Protanopia, and Tritanopia filters. Some Windows 11/10 OS users are visually impaired or colorblind, so how can we help these people make better use of the popular OS? Well, the things we are going to discuss are nothing new, especially since they are available by default in Windows 11/10.
As it is, the user does not need to download anything. Just follow the instructions given to you and from there you should be good at tango. the night light feature in Windows 11 is used to reduce eyestrain. If you’re still having trouble seeing what’s on your screen, try Windows 11’s built-in color filters. They help you distinguish between items that are just different in color. This changes the color palette of objects on the screen, increasing contrast and potentially allowing you to see more clearly.
Enable Color Filters in Windows 11
Enable color filters in Windows 11 using the Settings app
Follow the instructions below to enable color filters in Windows 11 through Settings:
Enable Color Filters in Windows 11 Using the Taskbar
The following instructions will guide you in how to enable color filters in Windows 11 in the taskbar:
If you don’t see Accessibility in Quick Settings, you’ll need to add it. The following steps will help you with this:
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to Enable/Disable and Use Colour Filters in Windows 11 PC. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.