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This tip is about the how to Enable Handwash Detection in Apple Watch. So read this free guide, How to Enable Handwash Detection in Apple Watch step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Enable Handwash Detection in Apple Watch – Guide
Washing your hands is one of the most important safeguards against illness and preventing the spread of germs. But only if you do it right – and most people don’t. A study highlighted by Apple showed that up for 95 percent of us they either wash too fast, use water but no soap, or don’t wash at all. To increase the chances of washing your hands correctly, your Apple Watch can display a countdown to help you wash your hands for 20 seconds, which is the recommended duration according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Countdown passes haptic feedback at start and final, so you don’t even have to interact or look at your Apple Watch to use it. Also, the hand washing timer will automatically appear on your wrist when you start washing your hands. That’s because watchOS 7 recognizes when you’re rubbing your hands and hears the sound of running water and soap being used. Below are the steps to enable hand washing detection on Apple Watch.
How to Enable Hand Wash Detection on Apple Watch
Enable Hand Wash Detection on a Compatible Apple Watch
Enable Hand Wash Detection on Apple Watch Using an iPhone
If you prefer, you can enable hand washing detection using your phone. Activating it from your phone offers an additional configuration option.
Final note
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