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The article explains how to enable Instagram dark mode on PC. Having trouble viewing when using a computer to access Instagram? You can now enable dark mode on Instagram on PC without having to dim your screen. Although there is no option to activate the dark theme in the web version of the social network. There is a quick hack you can use to enable Instagram functionality that allows dark mode on PC.
you may be wondering how to enable dark mode on Instagram for PC if you are like half of Instagram users. You can install the Night Eye browser extension to get the same look and feel on your desktop as Instagram doesn’t have a built-in dark mode. It supports all popular browsers and is free. Installing and getting started takes just a few minutes. Check out the instructions below if you want a quick and simple method to enable dark mode on Instagram for PC.
The option to enable dark mode is one of the most appreciated on Instagram features. Due to the absence of vibrant colors, which can distract and strain the eyes, this mode is ideal for viewing photos in low light. With dark mode, you can maximize your vision while preserving battery life. More users are using Google as it is a simple and efficient approach to take advantage of Instagram’s dark mode. We mentioned 6 ways to enable Instagram dark mode on PC.
6 Ways to Enable Instagram Dark Mode on PC
Using system-wide dark mode
Phones running Android 10 and newer have a system-wide dark mode. Enabling it will change the interface and all compatible apps to dark theme including Instagram. Here’s how you can switch to a dark theme for all apps on Android:
Step 1: Open Definitions on your android phone.
Step 2: Scroll down and click Exhibition.
Step 3: Here, enable the toggle for dark theme.
That’s it. Now launch Instagram and dark mode will be activated automatically. You can also set a schedule based on sunset and sunrise or a custom time where the phone will automatically switch to dark mode.
Switch to dark theme in Instagram app
The other option is to switch to dark theme from within the Instagram app. This option is only available for Android users. If you don’t see it, please update the app from the Google Play Store.
Step 1: open the Instagram app on your android phone.
Step 2: Go to your profile and touch the hamburger menu at the top right corner.
Step 3: Then click on Definitions.
Step 4: On the next page, click Theme and select Dark.
When set to “system default”, Instagram will follow your Android’s system-wide theme.
Instagram dark mode on Android 9 or earlier
About phones with Android 9 and earlier, you can use a third-party app to get a system-wide dark theme. Doing so will activate all apps phone including Instagram for dark mode. All you need to do is download Dark Mode from the Google Play Store. Open the app and toggle Dark Mode. Your phone will now switch to dark mode and apps too, as long as the app supports it.
Enable Dark Mode on Instagram on iOS (iPhone, iPad)
Apple introduced a system-wide dark mode with iOS 13 and iPadOS 13. To enable dark mode in the Instagram app, all you have to do is switch to dark look, as follows:
Step 1: Open Definitions on your iPhone.
Step 2: Here, click screen and brightness.
Step 3: Then select Dark in Appearance.
Enable dark mode on Instagram Web (PC)
Instagram does not have a dedicated app for Windows or Mac. instead, you need to use the web version, which thankfully lets you post photos and videos now. But then again, you don’t have a direct option to enable dark mode. However, you can use the workarounds below.
Using custom URL
Step 1: Open Chrome, Safari or any other browser of your choice.
Step 2: type and type in the address bar.
Step 3: Instagram will now load in dark mode on your PC.
How to use the Chrome flag
Google Chrome and other Chromium-based browsers such as Edge allow you to force dark mode for web content using experimental flags. When enabled, Instagram Web and all other websites will open in dark mode by default.
Step 1: Open Google Chrome on your PC.
Step 2: type and type chrome://flags in the address bar. Edge users need to type edge://flags.
Step 3: On the flags page, search for “dark”.
Step 4: Tap the called flag dropdown menu Auto Dark Mode for Web Content.
Step 5: change to Able.
Step 6: Now, restart Chrome and open It should open in dark mode.
Dark Mode Extension for Instagram
There is also a dedicated Chrome extension to enable Instagram dark web themes. The extension would work on Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave Browser and all other Chromium-based browsers.
Step 1: Open the Night Mode for Instagram extension page on the Chrome Web Store.
Step 2: click in Add to Chrome.
Step 3: Touch Add again when prompted.
Step 4: Now, open
Step 5: Once the site is loaded, click on the extension icon in the upper right corner.
Here they are final from our article how to enable Drak mode on Instagram. A dark theme can also be enabled for Google Docs, Sheets or Slides apps. This function allows you to preview your work in a light theme while maintaining a black menu and border. Just tap the “Done” button button after that to finish the modification. Whenever you want, you can enable a dark theme in your app. Articel is done and now you know how to get drak mode on instagram.