Today, In this article we will show you how to find Easter eggs and make wallpapers with it on Android 13. Every version of Android’s operating system has a history of including Easter eggs, and Android 13 is no exception. It’s a custom that dates back to Easter eggs with a dessert theme that may be found in Android versions named after sweet delicacies.
Iteration is exemplified by Android 13 in every way. In order to focus on stability and privacy for this year’s mobile software upgrade, Google chose to take a year off from innovation following the shocking release of Android 12. Therefore, even though Android 13 may not have a comprehensive set of new features comparable to Material You, it is still a good update for the top Android phones.
This time, the Easter egg starts a series of vibrant emojis encircling the number 13, which may be saved and used as wallpaper. Although not particularly inventive, this movie is enjoyable. Although most of us aren’t participating in the Beta programme, the Easter egg appeared in Android 13 Beta. The hidden Android 13 screen will thus be visible at this time, and you can even create some unique wallpapers. We mentioned below are the steps to find Easter eggs and make wallpapers with it on Android 13.
Steps to find Easter eggs and make wallpapers with it on Android 13
Step 1: Open the Android Version screen or search in settings for Android Version, tap the number 13 once the Android Version screen opens and a clock comes up.
Step 2: The wallpaper appears in the background, with the clock showing the present time.
Step 3: Move the minute hand to One o’clock or 13:00 hours.
Step 4: The number 13 appears in the center, along with some colorful dots. You can make this your wallpaper.
Step 5: Another option is to hold the finger on the screen till you feel a pulse and then let go.
Step 6: The dots have changed to emoji with a matching theme like hearts, fruits, turtles, stars, zodiac signs, etc. They all make up for an ideal wallpaper if you are an android 13 lover.
Step 7: Once you find an image you like, screenshot it by swiping it up from the screen’s bottom for a long time. This image will be saved in the gallery, which you can set up as wallpaper. With the usual screenshot, the results will not be what you want. The old wallpaper goes behind the emoji.
Final Words
We hope you like our article on how to find Easter eggs and make wallpapers with it on Android 13. A hidden component of the Android operating system called the Easter egg can be unlocked by following a few precise instructions in the settings menu. This undiscovered capability is built inside every Android handset. The procedure for enabling this feature is largely the same as in the most current Android release.