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This tip is about the how to Find the Location of Saved Screenshots on Windows 11. So read this free guide, How to Find the Location of Saved Screenshots on Windows 11 step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Find the Location of Saved Screenshots on Windows 11 – Guide
There are 3 native ways to take a screenshot on your Windows 11 device: you can use the keyboard shortcut or the pre-installed Snipping Tool app, or you can use the Xbox Game Bar app to quickly take a screenshot. And since there are multiple ways to take screenshots in Windows 11, the location also varies depending on the method. So, let’s take a look at all the places where screenshots are saved from different apps in Windows 11.
When you take a screenshot in Windows 10 or Windows 11, where is it saved? That depends on how you take the screenshot, but there are some obvious places to look. We’ll help you figure it out.
How to Find the location of saved screenshots in Windows 11
When using only the Print Screen key
When using the snipping tool
When using Win + Print Screen
When using the Xbox Game Bar
While it may not be the first choice for taking screenshots, you can also take screenshots using the Game Bar. If you are a gamer, you might be using this method to capture screenshots and videos. You can capture the active window on the screen with Win + Alt + Prt Scr. Or, you can open the Game Bar by pressing Win + G and clicking the camera icon to capture the active window.
Final note
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