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This tip is about the how to fix ‘Bad stuttering and lags’ issue on FF7 Remake for PC. So read this free guide, How to fix ‘Bad stuttering and lags’ issue on FF7 Remake for PC step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to fix ‘Bad stuttering and lags’ issue on FF7 Remake for PC – Guide
Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade is a title well optimized for PC and PlayStation platforms. It also requires enough hardware configuration to work properly, especially for PC, as not everyone can have such a configuration to run the game at full resolution and higher FPS. It’s common with most PC titles because they demand performance. Here, we provide steps on how to Fix stuttering issues and FF7 Remake intergrade delays.
It is very unfortunate that some Final Fantasy VII Intergrade PC players experience various issues such as stuttering, sluggishness, crashing, dropped frames, etc. during the game. For some PCs this can be a serious issue depending on the compatibility factor. So it’s always a better idea to fix the problem so that you can at least play the game with a respectable FPS number.
Fix: FF7 redo intergrid stutter and bad delays
Fixing game lag issues or dropped frames is not easy as it depends on several factors such as: Therefore, we recommend that you follow all the methods successively until the issue is resolved or greatly reduced. Most of the time, you can fix various issues in the blink of an eye by changing the in-game graphics-related settings or keeping them low.
This can include game screen resolution, game texture resolution, shadow resolution, maximum frame rate, number of displayed characters, or other visual effects that require more graphics or memory. Therefore, you can follow the steps below to try to reduce the lag or frame drops to some extent, depending on the resolution and quality you are playing, as well as the FPS number.
screen resolution
Changing the game resolution as per the PC setting will be helpful enough to fix game lag or dropped frames issue. Lowering the game’s screen resolution should increase the FPS count and reduce delays.
texture resolution
If you’re not interested in playing in full details or texture resolution, you can try reducing or turning off texture resolution anyway. Setting it low will reduce the bottleneck with the GPU / CPU and may increase game fluidity. Be sure to set it from ‘High’ to ‘Low’.
shadow resolution
Shadows or shadow texture might look good visually, but if your PC hardware is old enough or doesn’t take as much stress, be sure to turn it off or set it to ‘Low’.
frame rate
If your computer is struggling to run the game at a higher FPS rate with medium or low settings, then it’s better to set the maximum frame rate count to 30/60 FPS manually. This will improve game consistency.
Final note
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