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This tip is about the how to Fix ‘Ethernet does not have a valid IP configuration Error’ Issue. So read this free guide, How to Fix ‘Ethernet does not have a valid IP configuration Error’ Issue step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Fix ‘Ethernet does not have a valid IP configuration Error’ Issue – Guide
To connect to the Internet, your home and the computer must have a valid IP address. An IP address is essentially a phone your computer number, and there are many things that can cause problems between your computer, your router, your modem, and the World Wide Web. If there is a problem, you will see an error in your network settings – Ethernet does not have an IP configuration valid. This is usually caused by the “NIC” – the network interface card. If you don’t get a valid IP address and therefore no response from the internet, you will get this error.
Also note that you have a local IP address – an address that only sees your location (home or office). Remember that the World Wide Web or the Internet – gives you a house number, but your local area network gives you an apartment number. This error can be caused by a variety of reasons, from faulty network adapter drivers to incorrect network configuration. In this guide, we will walk you through various fixes that will help you to get rid of Ethernet not having a valid IP configuration error.
First of all, try restarting your computer.
Also try disabling fast startup. Sometimes it is caused by this – the boot process goes beyond the steps necessary to get the correct IP configuration. Press WIN + S and go to Control Panel. Now select Control Panel from the results list. Go to Power Options and select “Choose what power button does.” Select Change currently unavailable settings and uncheck Fast startup.
Configure your network adapter settings
Normally, your router assigns the IP address automatically through “DHCP” technology. However, some routers are configured to work with a static IP address system, where you must assign your own IP address.
Restart your router
If you are having problems with all your devices connecting to the internet and your PC says “Ethernet does not have a valid IP configuration” – try restarting your router. Turn your modem, router and devices off and on (turn them off and on again, from the wall to your hands (modem, router, device). Otherwise, you may need to use a different router to solve the problem. , there is a problem with your network card. Perform a factory reset on the network card and if that doesn’t help, replace it.
Reinstalling your network adapter
After completing the above steps, you must uninstall and reinstall the network adapter. Here’s how:
Try forcing IPv4 by disabling IPv6
IPv4 addresses follow the following convention: As you can imagine, with so many devices connected to the internet, having millions of different address combinations might not be enough. So we created IPv6, which allows for billions and billions of different address combinations. However, there are some infrastructure issues, especially with older devices. Sometimes disabling IPv6 can give you a usable IPv4 address and go back to the internet.
Assign a MAC address to your network card
A MAC address is a unique device identifier that says “I am this device” for the global and local network it is connected to. It is usually hardcoded to the device, but many devices allow you to “spoof” a different one, in case of a conflict. It is possible that your ethernet not receiving an IP configuration is a symptom of a MAC address conflict.
Enable DHCP
We’ve already mentioned DHCP: make sure it’s enabled! Go to your router settings and find out where IP addresses are assigned. In it, you should check “DHCP” instead of static IP. Note: If you are on a corporate network, this can cause problems. So be very careful. This is only recommended for home networks. Make sure you also enabled the option “Obtain an IP address automatically” in your PC or device’s network configuration. Wording may differ depending on device or version.
Reinstall drivers for your network cards in compatibility mode
If you have an old network card, it may not be fully compatible with Windows 10. Find the driver installer, right click, select Properties, go to compatibility and select “Run in compatibility mode for Windows 8”.
Final note
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