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This tip is about the how to Fix ‘iPhone Screen Not Working’ Issue. So read this free guide, How to Fix ‘iPhone Screen Not Working’ Issue step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Fix ‘iPhone Screen Not Working’ Issue – Guide
Android users may not be as tense as iPhone users when something happens to their smartphone. Also, not only is the iPhone expensive to buy, but so are the accessories and repairs. So if you’re an iPhone user, you know how frustrating it is when your iPhone isn’t working for some reason. From app issues to touch screen issues, iOS devices have very different techniques for fixing each issue.
So it’s for your own good that you, the iPhone user, have these practical solutions at hand. As mentioned above, this post will tell you why your iPhone’s touchscreen is not responding to touch and how to fix yourself in home.
Force your iPhone to restart
If your iPhone has gone completely crazy, the first thing you should do is restart it – turn it off completely, wait a minute or two, and turn it on again. Resetting an iPhone can clear temporary memory failures, which can restore, for example, an unresponsive screen.
Of course, if the touchscreen isn’t working, you can’t turn off the phone in the usual way using the Settings menu; you will need to force the phone to reset by pressing some combination of power and volume buttons.
clean and dry the screen
The iPhone uses a touch-capable screen that detects fingertips using electrical conductance. This means that several things can interfere with the functioning of the screen – dirt and grime can affect the screen, but a much bigger problem is moisture and liquid. If the screen is wet or just damp, dry it completely and try again.
It’s also important to note that you cannot use the touchscreen if your fingers are covered by most types of gloves or mittens. If you are using something, take it off. That said, there are specialized gloves with fingertip capabilities that let you use an iPhone outdoors in very cold weather.
Disconnect all accessories from the Lightning port
On rare occasions, an accessory connected to the phoneThe Lightning port may interfere with the touchscreen. If anything is plugged into the port, including a power bank or charger, unplug it. If that solves your problem, the accessory or cable may be incompatible with iPhone.
Remove your cover and screen protector
The iPhone’s touchscreen may seem robust enough to function perfectly almost all the time, but it only works properly in a surprisingly narrow set of conditions. For example, the touchscreen may stop working if you apply too thick a screen protector, making it impossible for the screen to detect the electrical capacitance in your fingers.
If the touchscreen is not working or is working intermittently, remove everything on or around the screen, including the phone case and any screen protector that prevents the screen from being scratched. If it works after removing these accessories, buy a different case and/or look for a thinner screen protector.
Reset iPhone to original configuration
If your iPhone has recently stopped responding to your ringtone and nothing else has worked, it is possible that there is a serious hardware issue and the phone needs to be repaired or replaced.
But before investigating this drastic option, it’s a good idea to do a factory reset. This will reset the phone back to the state it was in when you took it out of the box – it will erase all software updates, installed applications and your personal data. That’s not a problem if you have your phone set to perform regular cloud backups, but be aware that this can result in the permanent loss of all data since the last backup. Even so, at this point you may not have much to lose.
Without the ability to use the iPhone’s touchscreen, you’ll need to initiate a factory reset on a computer:
Final note
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