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An iPhone that is stalled in the transfer process might be as annoying as a facial I.D. that isn’t working. Data transfers will always take a little while. But it shouldn’t take an inordinately long period. Depending on the size of the file, a data transfer shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes.
All Apple product processes are typically intended to be frictionless. However, in a situation like iPhone to iPhone migration on Quick Start, a number of difficulties can be in play. For example, the transfer operation can stall or you might receive an error message that reads, “Unable to Complete Data Transfer,” or it might just take a long time.
When a number of variables are out of sync with the transfer process, such issues might occur. Now that we know why this mistake happens, We have mentioned steps below to Fix ‘iPhone To iPhone Transfer Stuck’ Issue
Ways to Fix ‘iPhone To iPhone Transfer Stuck’ Issue
Keep Both Phones Close Enough
Truth be told, if you place your iPhones far apart from one another when transferring data, the process will eventually slow down, become stuck, or even disconnect. In order to assist a quicker transfer procedure, position the two iPhones near to one another.
Update iOS Version
Although it may seem strange, the majority of people nowadays suffer delayed or frozen data transmission from iPhone to iPhone for this reason. The data transfer option on the iPhone can possibly stop working or appearing as a result. So, if your iPhone is running an older version of iOS, follow the instructions below to upgrade it right now.
Check Network Connection
Yes, the data transmission from one iPhone to another iPhone may be stuck due to your network connection. In case you were unaware, the capacity of the network affects iPhone to iPhone data transfer. Therefore, any network issue might prevent the transfer procedure from going as planned. If so, see if your network connection is flawless or just change to a reliable Wi-Fi network.
Check New iPhone Storage
Final Words
So here we conclude our article on how to Fix ‘iPhone To iPhone Transfer Stuck’ Issue. Many individuals encounter the New iPhone stuck on ready to transfer problem when they attempt to use Quick Start to transfer their data from an old iPhone to the new one. This can happen for a number of reasons, including various internet connections, obsolete iOS versions, unnecessary changes to your mobile device’s network settings, and more.