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This tip is about the how to Fix ‘Windows 10 Not Taking Screenshots’ Issue. So read this free guide, How to Fix ‘Windows 10 Not Taking Screenshots’ Issue. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Fix ‘Windows 10 Not Taking Screenshots’ Issue – Guide
The print screen button can capture your screen mostly on Windows 10. PrtScr is one of the most known keys on a keyboard and it is a feature that everyone knows how to to use. It is the simplest way to take a screenshot as it captures the entire screen, which can be useful at times. However, the tips below may help when Print Screen is not working on your Windows PC or Mac.
Macs don’t have print screen button, but the built-in screenshot shortcuts may not work and we will help you fix this issue if you are experiencing this. You might need to take a snapshot of your desktop from time to time. If you want to share snippets of your digital life, you would normally use the Print Screen function in Windows 10. However, many users have problems with this function as it doesn’t always seem to work. This creates complications as you cannot create or share screenshots with others.
Stop background programs
Many background programs, such as OneDrive, Snippet tool or Dropbox, etc., can take control of the Print Screen key and prevent you from taking screenshots on your computer. In that case, you must close these programs using the following steps:
Use shortcut key combination
If pressing a single PrtSc key doesn’t work, you can try the following keyboard shortcut buttons:
Check for an F mode or F lock key on the keyboard
If there is an F Mode or F Lock key on the keyboard, Print Screen is not working in Windows 10 it could be caused by them, because these keys can disable the PrintScreen key. In that case, you must enable the Print Screen key by pressing the F Mode key or the F Lock key again.
Update keyboard driver
An old or incorrect keyboard driver may also cause Print Screen not to work in Windows 10. Therefore, you can try updating your keyboard driver to resolve this issue. See the following steps:
Then restart your PC and see if you can fix the problem. Otherwise, you must perform the following steps to update your keyboard driver again:
Then restart the PC to save the changes and see if you fixed the Windows 10 problem with Print Screen not working.
Use third party tool
If all of the above methods don’t resolve the Print Screen button is not working on Windows 10 problem, you can use a third party application: Snipping Tool. This tool built into Windows can take a screenshot of the currently active part of the window or the entire screen. See the following steps to use it:
Final note
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