Table of Contents
The.NET Framework is a piece of software that Microsoft made and owns. It was made so that Windows apps could be built and run on it. The NET framework is made up of tools for developers, programming languages, and libraries that can be used to make desktop and web apps. It is also used to make games, websites, and web services. Some Windows users are getting an error message with the code 0x800f0954 when they try to install.NET Framework 3.5 or another optional feature.
Most people say the error shows up when they try to install the package through Windows Features. But some people get it when they use the DISM tool. It was proven that the 0x800f0954 error happens on Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. It’s not clear what could cause the error when installing NET Framework, but most of the time it’s because the system can’t connect to the WU server. The problem could also be caused by the CBS logs that the DISM utility makes.
Ways to Fix Windows Error Code 0x800f0954
Check your firewall settings
- Open the Control Panel.
- Click the System and Security category.
- Click on the Windows Firewall entry.
- In the Windows Firewall window, click the Allow an application or program through the firewall button.
- In the What do you want to allow box, click the application you want to allow.
- In the Applies to field, click the network connections you want.
- In the Customize level field, click the Allow all connections option.
- Click the OK button.
Cleaning the CBS logs
- Open File Explorer and go to the location below:
- Once you’re in the CBS folder, pick everything and click “Delete.”
- You can close the CBS folder once every.log file has been deleted.
- Press the Windows key and the letter R to bring up the Run box. Then, type “cmd” and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to open a
- Command Prompt with administrative privileges. When you see the UAC (User Account Control) message, click Yes to give administrative rights.
- To run the DISM command again, type the following into the elevated Command Prompt and press Enter:
- Dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /source:C:
- The.NET Framework should install without the 0x800f0954 error after you press Enter.
Check your antivirus settings
- Open the Settings app on your device.
- Under Security, find the Antivirus option and click it.
- Under Antivirus settings, make sure the checkbox next to On startup is selected.
- Click the toggle switch next to Auto-update to disable it.
- Click the toggle switch next to Scan files to disable it.
- Click the blue shield to the right of the virus name to close the antivirus settings screen.
Check for updates to Windows
- Open the Control Panel.
- Click System and Security.
- Under System and Security, click Windows Update.
- On the left side, under Windows Update, click Check for updates.
- If updates are available, Windows will begin downloading and installing them.
- If updates are required, you will be prompted to restart your computer.
- After your computer restarts, you can continue using it.
Run Group Policy Editor
- Open the Run window, type gpedit.msc into it, and then click OK.
- Use the left menu of your Local Group Policy Editor to go to the Computer Configuration Administrative Template sSystem location. You’ll see that the system has been chosen. Double-click the Specify settings for optional component installation and repair in the menu on the right.
- You have to turn on the policy and check the box next to “Repair content.”
- Click “Apply” to save your changes.
Changing Registry Value UseWUServer
Why do you get Error Code 0x800f0954
Can’t get to the Windows Update server: If a computer that is part of a domain can’t get to the Windows Update server in the network, the RSAT installation stops with an error code of 0x800f0954. In this case, you can fix the problem by going around WSUS.Install.NET Framework with PowerShell: If you’re trying to install an older.NET Framework package, you can avoid the 0x800f0954 error by doing it from a PowerShell window.Group policy stops the installation of the feature: Error 0x800f0954 could be caused by a GPO when you use the DISM tool to try to install an RSAT feature. You can fix the problem by turning on the policy called “Specify settings for optional component installation and repair.”
Final Words
If you try to install Windows.NET Framework 3.5 on your computer but get an error message that says “Windows couldn’t make the changes you asked for,” it will be very frustrating. Error Code 0x800F0954 “. This error code can make it hard to use or install any of the Windows Optional Features on a device running Windows 10. Don’t worry if you’re having this problem. There are ways to fix the problem that you can use. This error happens when the connection between Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) and Windows Optional Feature Installer fails or ends. So the Windows Update Optional Feature Installer also fails to get permission to download the Windows Optional Feature, and it shows the error message. We hope our article on “How to Fix Windows Error Code 0x800f0954” will surely help you to do so. you can visit Microsoft support center for further help.