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This tip is about the how To Install Apps Remotely on Android Device. So read this free guide, How To Install Apps Remotely on Android Device step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How To Install Apps Remotely on Android Device – Guide
If you find a cool Android app while using something other than your Android phone, you can install the app right there instead of saving the link for later. By visiting the app’s Play Store page on your other device, you can install it on your phone or tablet without having physical access to it. However, in general, start the process by visiting the Google Play Store in the non-Android device’s web browser. For example, if it’s an iPhone or a Mac, it would be Safari. I’ll give you a nice clickable link below, but if you can, try to remember the URL.
Now click on the green “Install” button button (if you already installed the app on a device, it will say “Installed” there, but it does the same thing). You will be asked to log in with the main Google account on your Android phone. To do this, click or tap “Sign In”. Side note: if you were already signed in with a Google account that you don’t use on your Android phone, you can switch accounts by clicking on your profile picture in the top right corner.
on android
If you have an Android phone, you can quickly and easily install apps on your phone remotely without having to mess with any settings. Visit the Google Play Store from your computer and sign in with the Google account associated with your phone. Then find the app you want to install and go to its information page. Then press the Install button button for that application.
Once you click install, you’ll see a box telling you what permissions the app needs (like whether it needs to access your contacts or connect to the internet), as well as a drop-down list of devices with your Google account connected. In this list, select the phone or tablet on which you want to install the app and press Install. After a few moments, your phone will begin installing the application.
on iOS
iOS 7 comes with a similar feature, but you need to make sure it’s enabled first. To check, open the Settings app, scroll down and tap on iTunes & App Store. From here, look for the “Auto-Downloads” section, then toggle the apps slider to the “On” position (the toggle button will turn green). If you want updates to be automatically downloaded to your phone, also toggle the updates switch to the On position.
Then open iTunes on your Mac or PC, go to the iTunes Store and log in with the Apple ID associated with yours phone. Go to the App Store and find an app you want to download. press download button — will be labeled with the price of the application — and after a few moments, it will start downloading to your computer and phone.
on Windows Phone 8
Context up your windows phone for remote installation of apps is similar to the process for iOS. First, go to the Settings app on your phone and then select Find Phone from the list. Then look for Send to My apps phone with push notifications (not SMS) and tap it if it is not already checked.
Final note
I hope you like the guide How To Install Apps Remotely on Android Device. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.