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This tip is about the how to Open CMD at Boot Screen in Windows 11 PC. So read this free guide, How to Open CMD at Boot Screen in Windows 11 PC step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Open CMD at Boot Screen in Windows 11 PC – Guide
If you’ve been a Windows user for a while, make sure you’ve typed your path into the Command Prompt at least once. The command prompt is a command-line interface application that executes all commands in a single location. In fact, it is precisely this option for controlling important aspects of running and troubleshooting that makes using Command Prompt such an extremely popular tool among advanced Windows users. But did you know that there is more than one way to open the Command Prompt? Windows Terminal is a powerful and efficient terminal application for command line tool users. Among other things, it contained Command Prompt and Windows PowerShell, which can be opened simultaneously in separate tabs.
Press the WINDOWS key to launch the “Start Menu”, type “Windows Terminal” and click on the appropriate search result to launch the application. Or, to open Windows Terminal with administrator rights, right-click on the Windows Terminal search result and select “Run as administrator” from the context menu. When you start Windows Terminal, the PowerShell tab opens by default. You can open the command prompt in a new tab or change the settings so that the command prompt opens every time you start Windows Terminal. We’ll see how to do both.
Open Command Prompt in Windows Terminal
Windows Terminal is a powerful and efficient terminal application for command line tool users. It included Command Prompt, Windows PowerShell, among others, which can be opened in separate tabs simultaneously.
When starting Windows Terminal, by default it opens the PowerShell tab. You can open the command prompt in a new tab or change the settings to open the command prompt every time you start Windows Terminal. We will see how to do both.
Launching Command Prompt Tab in Windows Terminal
Set Command Prompt as Default Profile in Windows Terminal
Open Command Prompt from Start Menu
Pin Command Prompt to Start Menu
Final note
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