Table of Contents
This tip is about the how to Open Terminal in Mac. So read this free guide, How to Open Terminal in Mac step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Open Terminal in Mac – Guide
Terminal is a Mac app that most people don’t use, and it’s understandable why you can quickly open and close it. It doesn’t look like any other application on your Mac. Users who don’t know what Terminal does will be confused by its simple interface and lack of buttons. However, Terminal is the most powerful application on your Mac – by a wide margin. It’s not always easy to find out, but if you know how to make the most of Terminal, you can accomplish a lot. Here you will learn what Terminal is, how to find Terminal on your Mac, how to use Terminal on your Mac and how to replace Terminal with other apps that make your work a lot easier.
Terminal is an application on your Mac that allows you to gain root access to your system. Think of it as your Mac’s “employee entry”, allowing you to peek behind the scenes to change things on the so-called command line at will. All of these options should come with a warning, however. Terminal is pampered and should be taken literally. If you don’t type the correct commands, it won’t do anything. Changes you make aren’t easily undone either. One wrong key can lead to disaster. However, some things can only be done with the Terminal, so it’s important to know at least the basics.
How to Open Terminal on Mac
Using Finder
Using Spotlight
Final note
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