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This tip is about the how to Run a Safety Check on Google Chrome. So read this free guide, How to Run a Safety Check on Google Chrome step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Run a Safety Check on Google Chrome – Guide
No matter what we do to protect ourselves when we use the internet, it can almost seem like it’s not enough. Fortunately, web browsers like Google Chrome take steps to make users feel a little more secure. While not technically a “new” feature, Chrome’s security check is something you might not know existed. Find out if you installed malicious extensions, remembered to enable Safe Browsing, and more. If Chrome is your browser of choice, you should take advantage of the tools Google provides for safer browsing.
Here it is how to run a security scan in chrome with this built-in feature. Popularity comes with more security risks, many hackers try to find vulnerabilities in the browser to hack your browsing activities. On the other hand, many users also do not follow security guidelines such as maintaining complex passwords and safe browsing. Google Chrome offers several ways to protect your computer from malware and dangerous websites.
How to Run a security scan in Chrome
The security check feature in Chrome is a great way to look for dangers when using your favorite browser. Open Chrome and follow these steps to get started.
As the scan runs, you will start to see the icons displayed for the reviewed items. When the security check is complete, you will see the final results. now that you know how to run the security check, let’s dig a little deeper into each of these results.
Updates will verify that the version of Google Chrome you are using is up Until the present date. It’s a handy way to ensure you’re using the latest version, which may include important security updates. If Chrome updates for you, you will see a Relaunch button next to Updates when finished. Click Restart to restart Chrome and complete the update process.
The Passwords part of the scan analyzes the passwords you’ve saved in Chrome to see if any of them have been compromised. This can happen when a data breach occurs. You will see the number of saved passwords that are involved. Click Review to review your list, make edits, or go to source sites to change your passwords. Take a look at our full article on how to find weak or compromised passwords in Chrome for full details.
safe browsing
This checks whether Safe Browsing (a security setting in Chrome) is turned on or off. if you use the feature, you will see which setting you have enabled as in the screenshot below. You can get more information about the Safe Browsing settings available by clicking this option in the Safety Scan results. Double check that you’re using the setting that works best for you, or enable one if it’s turned off.
Final note
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