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This tip is about the how to Show the Desktop in Windows 11. So read this free guide, How to Show the Desktop in Windows 11 step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Show the Desktop in Windows 11 – Guide
This post shows steps for students and new users to quickly display their desktop in Windows 11 in the right corner of the taskbar. Sometimes you want to quickly preview your desktop in Windows 11, but you don’t want to minimize all open windows. Windows 11 comes with a button which allows users to quickly minimize all open applications and show desktop with one click and reopen all applications that have been minimized by clicking the button button.
this little feature is very useful, especially if you want to quickly display your desktop without disturbing your Windows layout. When you have all the application and settings windows open, click on the small vertical line in the right corner of the taskbar to quickly show your desktop. Click on it again to bring it all back. This one feature is on by default but if it is off we will show you how to enable or disable it if you don’t want to use it. To start showing or hiding your desktop in Windows 11.
How to Show desktop in Windows 11
Click on Show Desktop Button on the taskbar
Move your mouse cursor to the right side of the date and time area and you should be able to see a thin line. You can click it to make Windows 11 show the desktop. You see it’s hard to find and click on that button. But you can use alternative ways to show desktop in Windows 11. Two more methods will be shown below.
Right-click the system tray arrow
You cannot find the option to show the desktop after right-clicking on the taskbar. But Microsoft arranges a place for it on the taskbar. You can right-click the system tray arrow and find Show desktop. Then you can click on it to minimize all open windows and show desktop in Windows 11.
Use the Show Desktop shortcut
You can also use the show desktop shortcut to make your Windows 11 computer show the desktop right away. You can press Windows + D keys at the same time to get the job done. After reading this post, you should know the answer. You can choose a convenient method to help you solve the problem. If you have any other Windows 11 related issues, let us know in the comment.
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to Show the Desktop in Windows 11. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.