Many users are dissatisfied with how quickly games download on this service. Users have expressed dissatisfaction that the download speed is only 200Kbps, despite competing programmes offering 15-20Mbps download speeds. Due to the terrible download speed, it will take months to finish the typical game, which has a size of roughly 40GB. We’ll look at possible solutions to the sluggish download speed problem in this post.
There may be a variety of causes for the sluggish download speed when updating or downloading games from The fact that many players download/update the game at busy times is one of the usual causes. You won’t get the fastest download speed when the server is extremely busy. It’s possible that you’ve restricted your download bandwidth, which can be properly configured to speed up downloads. Having trouble downloading files can also be a result of a faulty internet connection.
Steps to speed up your Battlenet downloads
Final Words
We hope like our article on how to speed up your Battlenet downloads. Your internet connection or your downloading server may be to blame. The client itself may possibly be having problems. Whatever the cause, there are steps you may take to increase download speeds.