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This tip is about the how to Speed Up Startup in Windows 10 PC. So read this free guide, How to Speed Up Startup in Windows 10 PC step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Speed Up Startup in Windows 10 PC – Guide
Windows 10 has a feature called Fast Startup which does exactly what it sounds like, and this is an obvious first stop on your quest. Essentially, this is an intermediate mode between hibernation and shutdown. It doesn’t save your open apps as hibernate, but the underlying OS will go into hibernation so you can start up with a faster clean state.
However, reboot is not affected. Therefore, if you are having problems with Windows Update or accessing the BIOS, you may need to restart your PC to perform these tasks instead of shutting it down.
restart the computer
It’s easy to maintain a Windows session for days, weeks, or even months. Windows is very stable these days. That’s great, but the downside is that apps can slowly start to clog things up. up for not playing well with the memory and CPU resources. If your Windows computer is slow, first try turning it off and then on again to see if that helps.
use an SSD
While it will cost a little money, one of the biggest speed boosts you can give Windows is installing it on a Solid State Drive (SSD). These drives are many times faster than rotating mechanical hard drives.
You also don’t need to spend a fortune. If cost is a concern, consider purchasing a relatively small SSD (eg 250GB) and then using it as a Windows installation drive along with some of your core applications. On almost any computer, switching to an SSD brings instant and dramatic speed improvements. SSDs can be a little tricky, so we recommend some reading for you before withdrawing your credit card.
Install more RAM
Random access memory (RAM) is your computer’s fast working memory space. When there isn’t enough to contain all of your active applications and operating system data, Windows is forced to swap the data in RAM to and from your hard drive. This is one of the biggest performance disasters a computer can face, slowing everything down. The most straightforward solution is to add more RAM to the system.
First, familiarize yourself with Windows RAM requirements to make sure you have enough. Also, check the RAM requirements of applications you want to run at the same time to get an idea of how much RAM you need.
Run disk cleanup
There are many nooks and crannies where random junk accumulates on your hard drive. These temporary files can slow your system down long after you need them, but manually locating and removing them would be a daunting task. Instead, try running Disk Cleanup to automatically find and remove these files.
Change Windows performance settings
Windows has many attractive visual settings, but they come at a price! On low-end computers, turning off some or all of Windows’ visual decorations can free up up system resources:
Simplify your startup apps
With every Windows restart, there is likely a long list of applications waiting to run at startup. Many of them can have a huge impact on the time it takes you to start using your PC. It’s a good idea to go through all the apps that are set to automatically start with Windows and disable the ones you don’t need.
Enable high performance
Windows is a very energy-conscious operating system and may be limiting your computer’s performance to save battery power or lower your monthly electricity bill. However, if your system is plugged into the wall, why not unlock its full potential? All you have to do is:
Disable search indexing
To ensure you get instant Windows search results, there is a file indexing program running in the background at certain intervals. On some computers, search indexing can cause performance issues, but you can turn it off without much of a problem.
Check for malware
There are all kinds of malware that can cripple your computer, so it’s always a good idea to run antivirus and antimalware software to rule out malicious software as the culprit for a slow Windows experience.
Update your drivers
Incorrect or outdated drivers can often be the culprits behind poor performance. Manually check if your drivers are up dating is a pain.
Disable background apps
If your computer isn’t particularly sophisticated, programs running in the background can slow down your hardware. To disable background apps:
Final note
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