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This tip is about the how to speed up your Laptop’s performance. So read this free guide, How to speed up your Laptop’s performance step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to speed up your Laptop’s performance – Guide
How PC hardware speeds up, so does software, and Windows 10 is no exception. This is especially true for boot time: if you’re upgrading from Windows 7 or earlier, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how quickly your machine will be up and running. However, after commissioning, other performance factors must be taken into account. Even the latest and greatest version of Windows isn’t immune to slowdowns.
The problem with a lot of Windows acceleration stories is that they tell you to turn off some of the features operating system, such as: visual animations. most of our tips will show you how to speed up your Windows 10 system without compromising its appearance and functionality. Most are also free, but some require you to spend a little money on software or hardware. For people with older, low-powered machines who want a speed boost but don’t mind extra items, some of the tips at the final will increase system performance at the expense of visual brightness.
Close programs from the system tray
If your computer is off and starting slowly, you may have too many programs starting up at the same time as Windows itself. Items in the system tray usually start at startup and then remain running while you use your computer. To access these items, click the up arrow on the right side of the taskbar. If there are programs you don’t need to run, right-click and close.
Stop running programs at startup
Similar to programs running in the tray, other programs that run automatically at startup can slow down your computer. Some you might actually want to run, such as antivirus software, but others might be unnecessary. Right click on the taskbar and select Task Manager or press Ctrl-Shift-Escape to start. Go to the Startup tab and you can see each item executed at startup, along with its impact. Examine them and decide which ones do not need to start automatically. This process is especially beneficial to performance if you can disable some of the high impact ones. But please note that some of these programs are vital to Windows operation. For example, those with Microsoft listed as the publisher are probably better left alone. If you’re not sure, leave it or try a Google search to find out more.
Update Windows, Drivers and Applications
You’ve probably heard that keeping your software up so far it’s a good idea for security. This is true and can also help performance. Windows will automatically send you a notification when an update is available. You just have to make sure you don’t put it off. If you think you might have missed an update, you can always check. Go to Start and click Settings or the Settings icon. Then go to Updates & Security > Windows Updates.
In addition to the Windows operating system, drivers and applications must be maintained up to date too. Again this is good for security and performance. If you think you might have missed an update, a quick online search should tell you which version you should use.
Delete unnecessary files
Like our closets and drawers, our computers get cluttered. Although you can’t really see it, you know it’s there and it can negatively impact your computer’s performance. This is especially true if you are dealing with many large files such as high resolution images, audio files and videos in your everyday life.
Free up space making a habit of deleting files and folders every week and emptying the trash afterwards. Doing this regularly means you’re more likely to remember exactly what’s in your files and folders and not worry about mistakenly deleting something important.
Find programs that eat up Resources
If you find that your computer is suddenly slowing significantly, it is likely that a specific program is at fault. One way to identify the culprit is to go to your task manager and find out what you’re eating up its resources. Right-click on the taskbar and select Task Manager. Click More Details to find information about the programs running on your computer. It should show the Processes tab by default.
You can click on each header to sort the list according to which apps are using more of that particular feature. If you need to close something, try closing the real app first. If it doesn’t close, go back to the Task Manager screen, right-click the application and click End Task.
Adjust your power options
Windows comes with several predefined ‘power plans’ to meet your needs. The default is set to Balanced, which takes performance and power consumption into account. But the latter is only really a concern if you’re out of battery power or trying to keep your electricity bills low. As such, you might want to change your plan. As its name suggests, the high performance plan is a better option if your PC is running slowly. Although this option consumes more energy, it favors performance, so it should help speed up your machine.
In addition to the default options, you can choose to create your own custom plan. Go to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Power Options > Create a Power Plan. Choose which existing plan you would like to start with, enter a name for your new plan and select Next.
Uninstall programs you don’t use
We often install huge programs without realizing how much space they are taking up up. If you think that might be the case, you can easily uninstall all the programs you don’t use. Even if it’s a program you use from time to time, if it’s particularly large, it might be worth it to simply reinstall it whenever you need to.
Go through the programs and decide which, if any, you don’t need. If you are unsure about a specific program, you can simply use a search engine to find out more.
Final note
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