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This tip is about the how to start WhatsApp on your desktop or laptop. So read this free guide, How to start WhatsApp on your desktop or laptop step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to start WhatsApp on your desktop or laptop – Guide
You are still using WhatsApp on your phone? There are many methods to get around this on your tablet or personal computer. whatsapp web corresponds to mobile app to allow you to send and receive WhatsApp messages from your computer. Any task you take on in the phone will be applied to WhatsApp on your computer and vice versa. You can use WhatsApp both on your phone and your computer.
Here it is how to use WhatsApp on your desktop or on your laptop.
For all platforms: use the WhatsApp web app
By far the fastest and most versatile option for using WhatsApp on a computer is the WhatsApp web application. Using WhatsApp Web does not require downloaded software for a specific operating system and can be accessed through most browsers including Safari, Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera and Firefox.
Open the desired browser and go to the WhatsApp website. You will notice that features a QR code. You will need this code later to connect your phone for WhatsApp Web.
Step 2: Open WhatsApp mobile application on your phone and select WhatsApp Web.
The WhatsApp mobile The app is available for Android smartphones and iPhones. Open WhatsApp on your Android phone, then while the Chats tab is selected, select the three vertical dots Menu icon in the upper right corner of the screen. For iOS: You will select the Settings gear icon.
So for Android and iOS devices: In the menu that appears up, select WhatsApp Web.
For Android: Tap teal OK button which appears at the bottom of the screen. You may be asked to allow WhatsApp to access your phone camera: Tap Continue – you may need to answer other questions about permissions to grant access. Your phoneThe now screen should look like a QR code reader.
For iOS: Tap the Scan QR Code option, and the app will ask for permission to access your camera. Accept and the screen should show a QR code reader for the next step.
Step 3: connect your phone for WhatsApp Web by scanning the QR code on your computer with your phone.
Now go back to your desktop or laptop to see the WhatsApp website. You may need to click Click to reload QR code to reload a QR code to your phone scanner. If you plan to use WhatsApp Web frequently on a particular laptop or desktop computer, be sure to check the box next to Keep me signed in.
Now point your phoneo WhatsApp Web QR code reader at the WhatsApp QR code to scan the code.
Step 4: Now start using WhatsApp on your laptop or desktop.
After reading the QR code with your phone, the WhatsApp Web app should immediately open in your browser and display your recent contacts and chats. Click the balloon icon on the left side of the screen to start a new chat. Click the Three Dots icon to do things like access your settings, edit your profile, create rooms or groups, or log out. And if it’s your first time using WhatsApp Web, you can also get notifications for new messages by clicking Turn on desktop notifications on the left side of the screen.
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to start WhatsApp on your desktop or laptop. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.