Table of Contents
This tip is about the how to Turn off Access To Windows Registry. So read this free guide, How to Turn off Access To Windows Registry step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Turn off Access To Windows Registry – Guide
If you share a PC with others, locking down certain aspects of Windows can be very helpful. For example, we talked about how to prevent users from shutting down Windows and how to turn off control panel and settings interface. You can also disable access to the mother of all administrative tools, Registry Editor, if you don’t want everyone to be able to access it. Here’s how.
A very important disclaimer, however. We will remind you in these instructions to ensure that you only prevent access to the users you want, but you should always leave at least one administrator account on your PC that is not locked out in any way, including registry access. Otherwise, you may not be able to undo these changes.
How to Disable Windows Registry Access
How to Disable Registry Editor Using Group Policy
How to Disable Registry Editor Using Registry Trick
Final note
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