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This tip is about the how to Turn-on Keyboard Backlight in Windows and Mac. So read this free guide, How to Turn-on Keyboard Backlight in Windows and Mac step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Turn-on Keyboard Backlight in Windows and Mac – Guide
The lighting in the laptop The keyboard changed the game of computer games, making room for night users to turn on in the dark. The vast majority of modern days laptops come with backlit keyboards and offer a host of others features this can detract from this most basic but absolutely necessary function.
So you’ve got a new computer and you’re not quite used to the many shortcuts that let you change certain settings with the simple click of a click. button. When the sun goes down and you still have hours of work to do, you’ll want to know how to turn on the keyboard backlight so you can fight at night.
How to Turn on keyboard light in Windows
Windows computers assign one of the function keys to control the keyboard backlight, but it is not the same key for all computers. Each manufacturer sets the key independently of the others. Therefore, you will need to examine the function keys, try out the function keys, or contact the manufacturer to determine which key to press.
The exact functionality of the keyboard backlight key also differs from manufacturer to manufacturer. Some manufacturers only allow the lights to be turned on or off, some offer certain levels of brightness, and some have varying levels of brightness. Here it is how to turn on the keyboard light on Windows computers using the keyboard:
What if the Windows keyboard light doesn’t turn on
If pressing the correct key on the keyboard does not turn on or adjust the keyboard light, you will need to change it in Windows Mobility settings or in an application provided by the manufacturer. This setting is not always available in Windows Mobility settings as it is an option control placed there by computer manufacturers. If you don’t see the option in your Windows Mobility settings, contact the manufacturer for more information about the proprietary app. Here it is how to turn on or adjust the Windows keyboard light using the mobility settings:
How to Turn on the keyboard light on a Mac
Two buttons control keyboard light on Macs and MacBooks. 1 button the brightness decreases and the other increases. If the keyboard light is off, press the Brightness up key to turn it on. The decrease in brightness button is on the F5 key, and the Brighten up button button is on the F6 key on most Macs. The exception is when a Touch Bar is present instead of Mac function keys; in this case, the touch bar controls the keyboard light. Here it is how to turn on the keyboard light on a Mac:
What if the Mac keyboard light doesn’t turn on
Although Macs are designed to allow you to control keyboard light with the Brightness Up and Down keyboard keys, it can be turned off in the system settings. If you are unable to turn on the keyboard light, you will need to check your system settings. Here it is how to enable keyboard light on macOS:
Final note
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