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This tip is about the how To Use ‘Colour Filters’ accessibility setting on Windows. So read this free guide, How To Use ‘Colour Filters’ accessibility setting on Windows step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How To Use ‘Colour Filters’ accessibility setting on Windows – Guide
Many modern operating systems and applications have settings that make it easy to access (inappropriate color-blind (or color-blind) users – see How to set it up up these options in the four most recent versions of Windows: 11, 10, 8 and 7.
Windows 11 or Windows 10 Setup Method for Colorblind Users
Of all the Windows versions that Microsoft continues to support, using Windows 11 and 10 makes it easy to configure your PC with color blindness filters. In both versions of Windows, color blindness is supported by “Color Filter” feature. There are two ways to access this feature: Open the Start menu and search for “Color filters” [設定] Go to[[EasyAccess(“”AccessibilityinWindows11)selectColorFilters[[EasyAccess(“”AccessibilityinWindows11)selectColourFilters[[Acessofácil(“”AcessibilidadenoWindows11)selecioneFiltrosdecor[[EasyAccess(“”AccessibilityinWindows11)selectColourFilters
When a color filter is activated, one of the six available color filters is automatically applied. If you’ve never used this function before, Windows enables the “Grayscale” color filter by default. In addition to grayscale, you can also select one of two additional color filters or one of three color blindness filters for a total of six filter options. Currently, Windows 10 and 11 offer filters for red-green (weak green / strong color blindness), red-green (weak red / protanopia), and blue-yellow (tritanopia). Increase. In addition to the three color filter options.
The proper filter depends on your personal needs. About 8% of white men have some degree of color blindness. It can affect the ability to distinguish red from other colors. Protanopia, or weak red-green filters, are best suited for this segment of men with color blindness. If you click on any of the filter options, it will be automatically configured on your computer. If you want to see how filters are being used, you can use the color wheel at the bottom of the Windows 10 color filter page (or in Windows 11 the color wheel that appears at the top of the page) with a palette and images that match the color of the wheel.
On Windows 10, you can also enable color filter shortcuts on this page. This is useful if you have an app that has its own color blindness settings. By default, the keyboard shortcut is Windows Key + Ctrl + C ..
NSA Accessibility Options for Other Versions of Windows
Even if you’re running an earlier version of Windows, you still have the option. However, you may be limited to just changing the Windows theme color. Both Windows 8 and Windows 7 have a high contrast mode that improves screen contrast, making it easy to distinguish between different colors.
Windows 7
In Windows 7, the process looks like this. From the control panel, select Accessibility in the usability center > Make your computer easier to see.. This menu allows you to enable high contrast mode and select a high contrast theme. Like Windows 8, it can be turned on or off High Contrast at any time with an Alt + Left Shift + PrintScreen shortcut.
Windows 8
In Windows 8, you can access and enable or disable this mode. Setting >> >> Ease of access >> >> High contrast…You can use shortcuts to turn this mode on and off at any time Alt + Left Shift + PrintScreen…
Final note
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