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This tip is about the how to Write on NFC Tags to Automate Tasks. So read this free guide, How to Write on NFC Tags to Automate Tasks step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Write on NFC Tags to Automate Tasks – Guide
In this tutorial we are taking our previous automatic automation tutorial a step forward. We introduce the conditional statement, on the basis of which the actions to be performed are decided. There are two sets of actions, one executed when the condition is true and the other when the conditions are false. In this demo, our condition is NFC ring time between 9:30am and 10:30am, if true, then the tone and brightness will be reduced, WiFi on, an SMS to the number you chose with what you chose needs to send text sent.
If the statement is false, i. H. If the time is not within said range, tapping the NFC tag will turn off the wifi, set the brightness to auto-bright, set the volume to “high”, and send another SMS with a different text as programmed. I’ve been using these NFC tags to automate simple tasks for almost a month now and I must say – it’s pretty cool.
Write in NFC tags to automate tasks
With the aim of maintaining this tutorial simple, let’s create and write a simple task today. When you are comfortable with the steps in this tutorial, you can create your own complex tasks. Let’s create a task that will help you sleep peacefully. The task will:
Assuming you have successfully installed the ‘Trigger’ application, do the following:
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to Write on NFC Tags to Automate Tasks. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.