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This tip is about the how to Uninstall Microsoft Edge in Windows 10. So read this free guide, How to Uninstall Microsoft Edge in Windows 10 step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Uninstall Microsoft Edge in Windows 10 – Guide
While the new Chromium-based Microsoft Edge is the company’s flagship browser, you may want to learn how to uninstall Edge. Maybe you’ve had problems with Edge that you’re not sure how to to repair. Or maybe you’ve never used it once, but it still keeps popping up up occasionally. It doesn’t matter that Edge, according to some, is now comparable to Google Chrome – sometimes you just want it to go away.
No matter the cause, if you want to uninstall Microsoft Edge, it can be done. Here it is how to remove Microsoft Edge once and for all.
Uninstalling Microsoft Edge through applications and Features
If you installed Microsoft Edge yourself, you can remove it through Windows Settings. This will only apply if you are using the Beta, Developer or Canary version of Edge. Otherwise it’s worth checking quickly, but the method may not work.
Step 1: Enter the Start Menu
To enter the Start menu, click on the Windows logo in the lower left corner of the screen – it is located on the taskbar. You can also find Windows button on the keyboard, similarly placed near the bottom left corner, next to the spacebar.
Step 2: Sign in to the apps and Features section
With the Start menu open, click on the gear icon directly above the power button. This will take you to Windows settings. Alternatively, you can simply type “settings” with the Start menu open. Windows will direct you to the right app.
Once in Settings, navigate to the Applications section and click on it.
Step 3: Uninstall Microsoft Edge
In apps and Features, search for Microsoft Edge. Depending on the version installed, you may find more than one instance of the browser. Just click on it and press Uninstall to remove that version of Edge from your computer.
It is important to note that although this will uninstall unusual versions of Edge such as the beta, the default browser will remain installed.
If the button is dimmed, it means you are already running the base version of Microsoft Edge. To uninstall it, go to our next method.
How to uninstall Microsoft Edge via command prompt
If you were unable to uninstall the browser via Settings, you will need to take some extra steps to completely remove it from your computer.
Step 1: Check Your Edge Version
To fully uninstall Microsoft Edge via Command Prompt, you must first find out which browser version is running on your device.
Open Microsoft Edge. If you can’t find it, open the Start menu and simply type “Microsoft Edge”. In the upper-right corner of the browser window, click Three horizontal dots and enter settings.
It is important to note that although this will uninstall unusual versions of Edge such as the beta, the default browser will remain installed.
If the button is dimmed, it means you are already running the base version of Microsoft Edge. To uninstall it, go to our next method.
Navigate to the About Microsoft Edge section on the left side. This will allow you to check which browser version your computer is running. Write down the exact number – you can simply copy and paste it into Notepad or elsewhere to store it for a while.
Step 2: Open Command Prompt
To access Command Prompt, start by entering the Start Menu by pressing the Windows key on the lower left side of the keyboard. You can also use your mouse and navigate to the bottom left corner of the screen and click on the Windows logo.
To enter Command Prompt, type cmd with the Start Menu open. You will find Command Prompt at the top of the results list. Right click and choose Run as Administrator.
If Windows asks if you want to allow the program to make changes to your computer, press Yes to continue the process.
Step 3: Enter the required command
Once the Command Prompt opens, you will need to copy and paste two commands into it to get rid of Edge. The version number you stored in a previous step will now be useful.
This will instantly remove Microsoft Edge from your Windows 10 system without any further request. The shortcut to Edge will be removed from the taskbar and desktop. Searching for it from the Start Menu will only display it as a browser suggestion that you can download.
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to Uninstall Microsoft Edge in Windows 10. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.