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You can use how to Use Google Classroom, Many elective teachers in middle school are looking for ways to save time and make their jobs easier. Most of the time, a big chunk of your class time is taken up by collecting student work and making sure students know what’s coming up. As a result, a lot of teachers have started using Google Classroom to help them run their classes better.
If your district gives you a G Suite for Education (formerly Google Apps for Education) account, you might want to set up and manage Google Classrooms for all of your classes. We started using Google Classroom to collect the work and files students turn in so we can grade them.
We used to have a “Dropbox” feature on our Web portal, but it was taken away to save money, and Google Classroom was put in its place. Now, we use Google Classroom to gather all of my students’ work. All of the files are in one place, and I can grade it on the computer in the classroom or at home.
How to Access Google Classroom
Google Classroom can be reached in a few different ways. First, teachers from an approved school can choose to set up an account for their school. The school’s account is then used to give access to the teacher’s students.
- On your browser, go to Select the Go to Classroom option
- Enter the email you want to use for your Google Classroom account. Click on the Next button.
- Enter your password, and then click on Next.
- Finally, click on the Get started for free option.
Steps to Create and Edit a Class in Google Classroom
- Click on the + icon at the right end of your Google Classroom account. Select the Create Class option.
- Fill in your class details. Some of the details you need to enter in this part include class name, section, subject, and room.
- After filling in your class details, click on the Create option
How to Edit Your Classes
- On the top navigation menu, select Classwork and then click on View assignment.
- Next, select the class document you wish to edit.
- There are two options for editing your class document. You can choose to edit your document with Google Docs by selecting the Google Docs option,
- You can download your class document and perform edits with Microsoft Word by clicking on the download icon on the right side of your screen. Your document will automatically download to your device in Microsoft Word (.docx) format.
What is Google Classroom?
If you haven’t used Google Classroom before, you’re in for a treat. This is a very useful and easy-to-use tool. It makes it easier to turn lessons into digital files that can be used in the classroom or online.
Since this is powered by Google, it is always getting new tools and features to make it easier for teachers to use. You already have access to a lot of free tools that can help you teach better, easier, and with more flexibility.
To be clear, this is not an LMS (Learning Management System) like Blackboard, but it can work in a similar way, letting teachers share materials with students, give assignments, do presentations, and more, all from one place that works on a variety of devices.